make your body feel good

Where touch initiates and sometimes ends the process. Naturally, Natalia is one who focuses not on the effects, but on the causes: pain, tension, discomfort or stagnation.

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Massage therapy center

Lomi Lomi Nui Massage :

The massage has a relaxing, deep effect, and at the same time, through a gentle touch, alternating forearms and hands, gives the impression of being wrapped through gentle waves of water.

300 PLN

Bubbles :

known from Chinese Medicine, used for years, used to combat a wide variety of ailments such as pharyngitis and laryngitis, influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, colds, as well as to strengthen the immune system, also aid muscle recovery after training. Bubbles have a therapeutic effect, removing fatigue and tension, as well as accumulated stress in the body.

from 100 -150 PLN


The treatment removes earwax from the ear canal, relieves headaches, supports the fight against migraines and helps with sick sinuses. When the candle is burned, the air in the ear canal is diluted, resulting in a cleansing of the ear. There is a regulation of pressure in the middle ear, which facilitates breathing through the nose and clears the ear canal, improving hearing. The circulation of smoke with essential oils and phytoncides warms the area, improves microcirculation and lymphatic circulation, saturating the blood with healing agents. The treatment is performed on both ears so as not to disturb cranial pressure and balance.

80 PLN

Reflexology :

A type of therapeutic and relaxing massage. Among other things, it helps in the fight against insomnia, improves the work of the circulatory system, biliary system, immune system, lymphatic system, nervous system, endocrine system. It supports the work of the liver, kidneys, intestines.
by working on the reflexes, we stimulate the flow of energy, which, properly directed and strengthened, flows through the entire body, dissolving stagnation built up in the body.

150 PLN
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Królowej Korony Polskiej Street 17 / 1 70-486 Szczecin


+48 606 665 866